Health Supplements

Turmeric and Neem: A Symbiotic Duality

Turmeric and Neem: A Symbiotic Duality

Ayurveda’s centuries worth of history has provided us with an abundant wealth of traditional herbs and treatments, which we can blend together and bring forth into our lives to reap their benefits. One such coalescence – that of Turmeric and Neem – provides us with many remedies.

Turmeric as a spice has been broadly used in cooking, and its component Curcumin has been studied for its reputation as a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, helping provide relief for symptoms of conditions like arthritis.

Neem is widely used for its immunity boosting and antibacterial capabilities.

Turmeric and Neem don’t truly require an introduction for many of us, as they are widely known for their healing properties. They can provide a myriad of benefits such as:

  • Fighting Acne – Turmeric and Neem with their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, can be a big help in soothing the skin, reducing inflammation in acne-prone areas . 
  • Cleansing the Digestive System – Neem has been shown to have a positive effect on the functioning of our digestive tract .
  • Boosting Immunity – Neem and Turmeric’s combination of antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects can help us keep away from outside infections .
  • Promoting Liver Health – Neem’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can provide a cleansing effect on the liver ; More scientific research is certainly needed.
  • Modulating Autophagy – Some studies have indicated that Neem  and Curcumin  can avail the ability of triggering autophagy in cancer cells.

The traditional method of consumption involves drinking a marble-sized amount of Turmeric and Neem with water, upon waking up. 

Organic Wellness Neem and Turmeric C+ capsules are convenient ways of ensuring daily consumption: 1-2 capsules each with food and water or as directed by a healthcare provider.

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